About this work
Ludwig van Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37 is a striking example of his evolving style, composed between 1800 and 1803. This concerto marks a turning point in his career, bridging the classical refinement of his earlier works with the dramatic intensity that would define his later compositions. Premiered in 1803 with Beethoven himself as the soloist, it is a powerful work, brimming with bold contrasts and deep emotion.
The concerto follows the traditional three-movement structure. It opens with the Allegro con brio, where the orchestra introduces the intense, stormy theme before the piano enters with assertive arpeggios, setting the stage for a dramatic dialogue between soloist and orchestra.
The second movement, Largo, offers a complete shift in mood, presenting a serene and lyrical reflection in the unexpected key of E major. The finale, Rondo: Allegro, is a lively and energetic conclusion, where Beethoven’s flair for rhythmic complexity and spirited exchanges between piano and orchestra shine through.
An amusing anecdote from the concerto’s premiere adds a personal touch to its history. Beethoven had not yet completed writing out the piano part in time for the performance, leaving much of it to memory or improvisation.
Ignaz von Seyfried, a close friend and pupil of Beethoven, was tasked with turning the pages of the composer’s music during the concert. However, to his surprise, most of the pages were nearly blank. Seyfried later recounted how Beethoven would give him subtle nods when it was time to turn the page, even though there was little written to follow. This episode not only highlights Beethoven's remarkable improvisational skill but also his whimsical, often unpredictable nature in performance.
Complete work (3 movements)
This concerto contains the following movements:
Allegro con brioInstruments
- flute (Flauto II),
- oboe (Oboe I),
- oboe (Oboe II),
- clarinet (Clarinetto I),
- clarinet (Clarinetto II),
- bassoon (Fagotto I),
- bassoon (Fagotto II),
- horn (Corno I),
- horn (Corno II),
- trumpet (Clarino I),
- trumpet (Clarino II),
- timpani (Timpani),
- violin (Violini I),
- violin (Violini II),
- viola (Viole),
- cello (Violoncelli),
- double bass (Bassi)
Rondo. Allegro – PrestoInstruments
- flute (Flauto II),
- oboe (Oboe I),
- oboe (Oboe II),
- clarinet (Clarinetto I),
- clarinet (Clarinetto II),
- bassoon (Fagotto I),
- bassoon (Fagotto II),
- horn (Corno I),
- horn (Corno II),
- trumpet (Clarino I),
- trumpet (Clarino II),
- timpani (Timpani),
- violin (Violini I),
- violin (Violini II),
- viola (Viole),
- cello (Violoncelli),
- double bass (Bassi)
Frequently asked question
- Go to Synchestra.ai and select the work you want to play: whether it is an opera aria, a movement of a concerto or a complete concerto, you can get the conductor and instrument scores and music of all the individual instruments, and the full orchestral ensemble.
- Open the work you bought in the Synchestra-app. Set your own tempo and tempo changes, or make the orchestra follow your tempo and tempo changes, change the pitch and transposition to accommodate your own instrument or voice capabilities.
- Start playing with the orchestra & enjoy!